Lovanul Cholil El Frustasi

Selasa, 28 Mei 2013


PT ISM Bogasari Flour Mills

Merupakan salah satu industri tepung terigu di Indonesia yang berdiri sejak tahun 1971. Dalam menjaga kebersihan dan kehalalannya PT. ISM Bogasari menerapkan metode Good Halal Manufacturing Practice atau disingkat dengan GHMP. Namun pada tahun 1995 adanya akuisisi oleh PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk, sehingga namanya berubah menjadi PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk Divisi Bogasari Flour Mills.

PT ISM Bogasari Flour Mills Saat ini membutuhkan tenaga kerja yang dinamis dan bermotivasi tinggi untuk ditempatkan pada posisi:

1. Commercial Trainee (Kode : CT) 
Program pemagangan selama 18 bulan untuk mempersiapkan para pekerja muda potensial untuk mengisi posisi Level Supervisor di fungsi Commercial

Dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :
• Laki-laki, maksimal 27 tahun
• Min. S1 Semua Jurusan, IPK min. : 3.00
• Menguasai Bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan
• Bersedia untuk di rolling
• Setelah lulus program bersedia ditempatkan di Jawa Timur, Jawa Tengah, Bali Nusra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku & Papua

2. ACCOUNTING STAFF (Kode : Acc - Staff) 
Area Penempatan : Surabaya 

Uraian tugas :
Mengumpulkan dan mengolah data/dokumen yang berhubungan dengan keluar masuknya system keuangan, sekaligus menyediakan jurnal atau laporan keuangan secara akurat.

Kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan :
• Pria/ Wanita, maksimal 28 tahun
• S1 Ekonomi Akuntansi, min. IPK : 2.8
• Mampu mengoperasikan komputer beraplikasi Microsoft Office

Area Penempatan : Jawa Timur, Jawa Tengah, Bali Nusra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku & Papua 

Uraian tugas :
Melakukan survey pasar, memonitor stabilitas harga dan persediaan produk di pasar, merancang kegiatan promosi dan melaksanakannya, memonitor kompetitor dan menginvestigasi pada praktek ilegal (pemalsuan produk), menjalin hubungan jangka panjang ke grosir, industri dan end user untuk mengetahui keadaan pasar dan melakukan usaha mempertahankan dan meningkatkan penjualan

Kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan :
• Pria, maksimal 30 tahun
• Minimal S1 semua jurusan , IPK min. 2.8
• Memiliki pengalaman di bidang Sales Consumer Goods atau Marketing

Area Penempatan : Surabaya 

Uraian tugas :
Menggali informasi/ data mengenai competitor (importir), menganalisa dan membuat penuangan sistematis atas data yang terkumpul untuk memperoleh gambaran akurat mengenai seberapa besar pengaruh competitor (importir) tersebut terhadap penjualan produk tepung Bogasari.

Kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan :
• Pria, maksimal 28 tahun
• S1 Statistika, min. IPK : 2.8
• Mampu mengoperasikan komputer beraplikasi Microsoft Office
• Kemampuan komunikasi baik

5. Manufacturing Trainee (Code : MT) 
Program pemagangan selama 18 bulan untuk mempersiapkan para pekerja muda potensial untuk mengisi posisi Level Supervisor di Fungsi Manufacture

Dengan Kualifikasi sebagai berikut :
• Fresh graduate
• Laki-laki, maksimal 27 tahun
• Min. S1 Jurusan Teknologi Pangan/ Teknik Mesin/ Teknik Elektro/Teknik Industri
• IPK min : 3.00
• Bersedia bekerja dengan sistem shift
• Bersedia ditempatkan di Surabaya dan Indonesia Timur

Bagi yang memenuhi kualifikasi di atas, dapat mengirimkan lamaran dan biodata lengkap, pasfoto terbaru, dengan mencantumkan kode posisi di sudut kanan atas amplop , ke alamat :
ISM Bogasari Flour Mills Juni

Seksi Career & People Management 
PT ISM Bogasari Flour Mills
Jl. Nilam Timur No. 16 Surabaya 
Email : recruitment_sby@bogasariflour.com
Expired : 17 Juni 2013

Staff Pemasaran Bank - PT Asuransi Takaful Umum

 PT Asuransi Takaful Umum

Masih dibawah naungan PT Syarikat Takaful Indonesia (Perusahaan) yang berdiri pada tanggal 24 Februari 1994, bersama anak perusahaannya yang lain yakni PT Asuransi Takaful Umum Dalam bisnisnya Perusahaan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip murni syariah pertama di Indonesia. PT Asuransi Takaful Umum, secara resmi berdiri pada 2 Juni 1995 setahun setelah Asuransi Takaful Keluarga.

PT Asuransi Takaful Umum daerah Batam saat ini mencari kandidat yang energik dan pekerja keras untuk mengisi posisi dibawah ini dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :

Staff Pemasaran Bank
Batam (Kepulauan Riau)

• Min Lulusan D3
• Diutamakan Pria
• Usia maksimal 34 Tahun
• Memiliki komitmen syariah
• Mahir menggunakan Komputer
• Tertarik di bidang pemasaran
• Cekatan,disiplin, jujur dan responsive dengan tuntutan pekerjaan
• Penempatan di Batam

Mendapatkan gaji bulanan dan tunjangan, jika kinerja bagus akan di angkat jadi karyawan tetap. Kirim Lamaran dilengkapi CV,pas Foto 3x4 berwarna(1 Lembar),Fotocopy (KTP,ijazah terakhir,transkip akademik,setifikat pengalaman kerja,kursus,dll) ke alamat:
  Asuransi Takaful Umum Juni

PT Asuransi Takaful Umum
Kompleks Ruko Batam Center Square 
Blok C No 3
Jl Engku putri, Batam
Expired : 11 Juni 2013

Training Cordinator Staff, Finance & Accounting Staff, Machinist Operator, Security - PT Nok Asia Batam

PT Nok Asia Batam

Adalah salah satu perusahaan asing Jepang yang beroperasi di Mukakuning-Batam. Bergerak dalam manufaktur untuk komponen industri otomotif dan Industri lainnya. Nok Asia Batam berdiri pada tahun 2005 dan mampu bertahan hingga sampai saat ini.

PT Nok Asia Batam mencari kandidat yang dapat memenuhi kualifikasi dibawah ini sebagai:

Training Cordinator Staff (TS)

Responsible for researching, designing and implementing various training and development program to maximize the potential of the company

• Female
• Age Maximum 30 Years Old
• Minimum D3 in any discipline
• Strong knowledge and analytical skill
• Preferably with Training Experience, have the talent of training, coaching, advising, influencing and capacity building skill

Finance & Accounting Staff (FA)

Responsible to maintain for monthly cycle count, account payable &receivable, and supervise all reimbursement through petty cash and executing other duties based on superior requested

• Male / Female
• Age maximum  30 years old
• Strong knowledge and analytical skill
• Minimum D3 in any discipline

Machinist Operator (MO)

• Male
• Age Max 30 Years Old
• Minimum 6 months experience in the machine cylindrical/surface/polishing/tooling inspection
• Strong knowledge and analytical skill
• Min. SMU degree


• Good performance/honest/strong,
• Min 1 year experience as security
• Male
• Strong knowledge and analytical skill
• Min. SMU degree
• Age Max 30 Years Old

Applicant should send in a detailed curriculum vitae, stating full personal particulars, expected salary, education qualification, career history, contact number and recent photograph to :
  Nok Asia Batam Juni

PT Nok Asia Batam
Jln. Rambutan Lot 501-502A
Batamindo Industrial Park – Muka  Kuning
Batam Island - 29433
Expired : 04 Juni 2013

Gadget Promoter - PT Smartfren Telecom Tbk

PT Smartfren Telecom Tbk

Merupakan salah satu Perusahaan jasa telekomunikasi Indonesia yang sudah dikenal oleh masyarakat, pada awalnya dikenali sebagai Mobile-8 sebagai operator penyedia jasa telekomunikasi berbasis teknologi CDMA2000 1x EVDO REV-A Teknologi

PT Smartfren Telecom mengundang anda untuk bergabung bersama kami sebagai:

1. Smartfren Gadget Promoter (SGP) - Semarang
2. Smartfren Gadget Promoter (SGP) - Solo
3. Smartfren Gadget Promoter (SGP) - Yogyakarta
4. Smartfren Gadget Promoter (SGP) - Cilacap
5. Smartfren Gadget Promoter (SGP) - Kudus
6. Smartfren Gadget Promoter (SGP) - Pekalongan
7. Smartfren Gadget Promoter (SGP) - Tegal
8. Smartfren Gadget Promoter (SGP) - Purwokerto
9. Smartfren Gadget Promoter (SGP) - Magelang

• Perempuan, Usia maks. 30 tahun, pendidikan min. SMA/SMU sederajat
• Memiliki pemahaman pengetahuan dan kemampuan teknis tentang gadget (diutamakan, Android system) serta terbiasa bekerja dengan target
• Pengalaman min. 1 tahun dibidangnya, diutamakan dari Vendor Handset terkemuka
• Communicative, Good looking, Energetic
• Bersedia ditempatkan di wilayah SEMARANG & sekitarnya
• A very competitive remuneration package will be offered to selected candidates

Please send your detailed resume and put POSITION TITLE as SUBJECT on your email to:
Smartfren Telecom Juni

PT Smartfren Telecom Tbk
Email : recruitment@smartfren.com
Expired : 11 Juni 2013

Marketing Promotion, Market Research Development, Sales Office Head Development Program, Future Leader Development Program - PT Astra International Tbk - Honda

PT Astra International Tbk - Honda

(ASTRA MOTOR) atau lebih dikenal dengan Honda Sales Operations. Sejarah berdiri pada tahun 1970 dengan nama awalnya Honda Division. Dalam menjalin hubungan kepada customer, terdapat dua cara yang dilakukan yakni melalui dealer, dan ke dua adalah melalui sales office yang dikoordinasi dalam divisi retail Astra Motor

PT Astra International - Honda mencari kandidat berpotensi yang memiliki kemauan untuk belajar, berusaha untuk maju, berprestasi, dan dinamis untuk memenuhi posisi berikut :

Marketing Promotion (MP)

• Pria/ wanita, usia max. 27 tahun, single
• S1 Komunikasi/ Manajemen/ Desain dengan IPK min 3.0
• Memahami desain grafis
• Mempunyai kemampuan konseptual dan kreatifitas yang baik
• Dengan subjek : MP

Market Research Development (MRD)

• Pria/ wanita, usia max. 27 tahun, single
• S1 Ekonomi/ Statistik/ Psikologi dengan IPK min 3.0
• Minat pada penelitian, statistik, dan analisa pasar
• Mempunyai kemampuan komunikasi dan analisa yang baik
• Dengan subjek : MRD

Sales Office Head Development Program (SOHDP)

Sales Office Head Development Program is a program that prepares new employees to become Sales Office Head in the Astra Motor, a way to give recognition and understanding of the business management and values held by Astra, especially Astra Motor. As well as providing new equip new employees about the materials associated with respective jobs as new employees in accordance with the field work that will occupy

• Male/ Female
• Maximum age 27 years old
• GPA min 3.0
• Strong academic background from any disciplines
• Have organizational experiences especially as a Coordinator or Leader
• Have interest in Business Management
• Willing to be placed all around Indonesia
• Dengan subjek : SOHDP

Future Leader Development Program (FLDP)

The Program is design to prepare Future Leaders in Astra Motor by providing knowledge and practices on our business

• Male/ Female
• Maximum age 27 years old
• GPA min 3.0
• Strong academic background from any disciplines
• Have organizational experiences
• Have interest in Marketing, Business Plan & Monitoring, Customer Care, Business Control, Technical Service, and Finance
• Willing to be placed all around Indonesia
• Dengan subjek : FLDP

Kirim CV dan pas foto ke email :
Astra International Honda Juni

PT Astra International Tbk - Honda
Email : recruitment@hso.astra.co.id
Expired : 11 Juni 2013

Receptionist - PT Yakult Indonesia Persada

 PT Yakult Indonesia Persada

Merupakan perusahaan PMA Jepang yang beroperasi di Indonesia dan memegang lisensi Yakult Honsa Co., Ltd. Yakult di Indonesia berdiri pada 1990. Bersama perusahaan Yakult di seluruh dunia, PT Yakult Indonesia Persada membawa misi mewujudkan keluarga yang sehat dan bahagia.

PT Yakult Indonesia Persada kembali membuka Lowongan Kerja untuk mengisi posisi berikut ini sebagai:


• Perempuan, 21 – 25 th.
• Pend. Minimal D3 semua jurusan
• Mampu berbahasa Inggris (minimal pasif)
• Penampilan menarik
• Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik (komunikatif)
• Bertugas menerima dan menyambungkan telepon, menerima invoice/tagihan & membuat tanda terima, menerima tamu

Applicant should submit their applicant letters, CV and recent photograph to:
  Yakult Indonesia Persada Juni

PT Yakult Indonesia Persada (HEAD OFFICE)
FAX 877.82139
Email: recruitment@yakult.co.id
Expired : 11 Juni 2013




Jakarta Selatan (Jakarta Raya)
Kualifikasi :

  • Pria, usia maksimal 40 tahun
  • S1, Teknik Pertambangan
  • Mampu membuat perencanaan tambang (daily, monthly, yearly)
  • Menguasai Mining Software (Surpac, Minescape, AutoCad, dll)
  • Mampu membuat laporan bulanan & Triwulan operasi produksi
  • Diutamakan memiliki sertifikat minimal POP (Pengawas Operasi Pertama)
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di Remote Area
  • Mampu berkerja sama dalam tim
  • Sehat jasmani & rohani dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan

Send us your complete CV and expected salary to :

(Fill in email subject with name of position)
PT. Exploitasi Energi Indonesia, TbkWisma Metropolitan 1, Lt.16 Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 29-31Jakarta Selatan - 12920


PT KNB GROUP Invite you to join with our winning team,with those oppurtunity career:



  • Min S1 Degree Mine / Geological engineering
  • Min 3 Years experiences as Mine Engineer in mining Project
  • Hold the POP / POM License will be advantage
  • Knowledgeable in operating mining program
  • Provide the mining budget ( Physical & Cost )
  • Provide the mining reports
  • Creative Thinker and Hard worker
  • Will Be place at Kalimantan

Please send email to dbm.recruitment@yahoo.co.id




Tetra Tech, Inc.

Pittsburgh, PA

Tetra Tech is a leading provider of consulting, engineering, and technical services worldwide. We are a diverse company, including individuals with expertise in science, research, engineering, construction, and information technology. Our strength is in collectively providing integrated services—delivering the best solutions to meet our clients' needs. With more than 14,000 employees worldwide, 350 offices worldwide and 2.75 Billion revenue in FY 2012, Tetra Tech’s capabilities span the entire project cycle. We offer competitive compensation and benefits and are searching for innovative people to join our teams. We are an equal opportunity employer.

We are searching for an Entry to Mid-Level Civil/Mining/Environmental Engineer for our Pittsburgh, PA location. The successful candidate will possess and apply comprehensive knowledge of civil/mining/environmental engineering to the completion of challenging assignments. Perform civil, mining and environmental projects in accordance with appropriate state and federal regulations. Tasks will involve site investigations, evaluation of reclamation techniques (including innovative technologies), engineering studies and designs related to mining and environmental projects. Perform field assessments as directed by supervisor. Knowledge of geology, rock mechanics or geo-technical engineering is a plus. The candidate may also be requested to support other project /programs such as construction management, oil and gas, and alternative energy projects.

Job Requirements:
Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in Civil, Mining or Environmental Engineering or a related area is required. Minimum of 2 years related experience is preferred. Engineer-in-Training certificate is desired. Good knowledge of CADD or Carlson software preferred. Working knowledge of word processing and spreadsheet software required as well as knowledge of computer-based engineering design software is desirable. MSHA 40-hour training and current 8-hour refresher training is also preferred.

Tetra Tech is an Equal Opportunity Employer and we value workplace diversity. We invite resumes from all interested parties including women, minorities, veterans and persons with disabilities.

Division/Department : NUS
% of Travel Required : Yes


Senior Engineer - Kosse Mine

About Energy Future Holdings

Energy Future Holdings Corp. (EFH) is a Dallas-based Energy Holding Company with a portfolio of competitive and regulated subsidiaries. TXU Energy, Luminant, and Oncor, its primary businesses, have deep roots in Texas. Energy Future Holdings Corp. (EFH) is committed to investing in and meeting the electric power needs of Texas consumers. Through its businesses, Energy Future Holdings Corp. (EFH) is committed to improving our environment by serving our customers and communities through more efficient and cleaner applications of energy. Energy Future Holdings Corp. (EFH) seeks diverse viewpoints because we believe in the power of collaboration and conversation. At Energy Future Holdings Corp. (EFH) we value diversity because it enhances the opportunity to recruit and retain the best talent in the marketplace and strengthens the ability to tap resources of the entire business community. As Texas transitions to a clean-energy economy, Energy Future Holdings Corp. (EFH) and its businesses are Lighting The Way.

Senior Engineer - Kosse Mine

Senior Engineer - Kosse Mine

Kosse, TX


  • This position is responsible for engineering duties at the mine in support of mine operations to ensure maximum productivity

Description & Responsibilities:

  • Performs complex engineering tasks of design, evaluation, problem solving, analysis, and planning to support mine site operations.

  • Provide project management for construction of roads, ponds, drainage and other mine structures to meet schedule, design, monetary, and regulatory requirements.
  • Provide professional engineering certification of designs and analysis as required.
  • Comply with safety policy and procedures to ensure a safe working environment.
  • Interface with engineering staff, mine site operations groups, and other TXU personnel to ensure consistent, practical, and effective engineering solutions.
  • Participate in special projects and committee assignments as requested


  • Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering required

  • 6 years professional applicable experience
  • Professional Engineering License in Texas.

  • Proficient in computers
  • Possesses and applies comprehensive knowledge of particular field of specialization to the completion of complex assignments
  • Capable of crossing professional disciplines

  • Professional Associations (IEEE, ASME, etc…) preferred
  • Must have recognized standing in professional field through original contribution.
  • Substantial knowledge of open pit mining methods and regulatory requirements.
  • Ability to use database, spreadsheet, word processing, and CAD software.


As an employee of Energy Future Holdings Corp. (EFH), you are our greatest asset. We offer our employees a broad range of valuable benefits such as: Medical, Dental and Vision benefits which are effective on your first day of employment! Long Term Disability, Paid Holidays, employer matching retirement plan, and Tuition Reimbursement.
In addition to the benefits mentioned above we also offer the following valuable benefits to our employees: Appliance Purchase Program, Energy Conservation Program, Commuter benefits (DART and the Fort Worth "T").
If you are seeking to join a company that cares about each other and our communities, and you think you have what it takes-Energy Future Holdings Corp. (EFH) is looking for you! Please click "Apply Now."

Our Vision

Energy Future Holdings' vision is to be recognized, through its operating businesses, as a leader in the energy industry and an enabler of economic development and social progress by providing safe, reliable, affordable and environmentally sustainable power.
At Energy Future Holdings and our business units, we espouse values that embody every aspect of our companies and are critical to building successful businesses:
  • honesty and integrity
  • mutual respect
  • innovation
  • competitive spirit
  • diversity
Energy Future Holdings Corp. (EFH) is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer

Mine Electrical Engineer

About the Job

Mine Electrical Engineer
Our Client, a multi-site, multi-national diversified chemical company has an immediate opening for a Mine Electrical Engineer at one of its sites in Wyoming.
  • Perform as the sole electrical mine engineer
  • Build and maintain the mine electrical system
  • Repair and maintain process control systems
  • Maintain power (control board electronics to 34,400 Volts)
  • Electrical and instrumentation engineering
  • Equipment repair
  • Cost control
  • Participate in hazard reviews, safety audits, and safety meetings
  • Manage personal safety and safety of co-workers
  • Provide engineering design, documentation, necessary operation instructions, and technical support on all new and current electrical and process control systems for mine operations
  • Monitor equipment in areas of responsibility
  • Recommend corrective action and replacement as needed to prevent failure and unscheduled interruption of production
  • Test, analyze, and evaluate equipment performance and condition
  • Establish and refine preventative maintenance procedures and processes
  • Establish and refine repair and work scopes, administer maintenance service and repair contracts and perform shop inspections to assure quality repairs
  • Recommend new and different maintenance equipment and procedures to reduce costs and help insure repairs are completed right the first time
  • Recommend material additions or deletions from stores inventory to obtain the correct balance between equipment availability and time to repair
  • Document equipment change and repair to assure information will be easily obtainable for future repairs, purchases, etc.
  • Accomplish assigned tasks in a timely and professional manner
  • Work with minimal direct supervision and contact
  • Keep individuals informed of progress and developments
  • Participate in the performance management process to identify areas of individual and professional development
  • Develop skills to coordinate the daily activities of a maintenance crew

  • B.S. in Electrical Engineering or Electronics
  • Minimum of 3 years electrical engineering experience; 7-10 years preferred
  • Must have working knowledge of electrical and electronic circuits and systems, high and low voltage power distributions, AC/DC motor control, industrial controls, process control systems, programming and instrumentation and equipment reliability techniques.
  • National Electrical Code preferred

Please send your resume in Word.doc format to Reed Rogers at
reed@parkwoodintl.com and refer to Job No. 9181.

Mid Term Planning Engineer - Hays Resources & Mining

Mid Term Planning Engineer

Hays Resources & Mining

Mid Term Planning Engineer

Apply before 28/5/13
  • Negotiable rate
  • Accommodation provided
  • Closing date for applications 28/5/13
Negotiable rate
Monday - Friday roster
Camp accommodation will be provided.
2 month contract starting 1st July (with possibility of a 3rd month).

To apply for this position you must have a Coal Board Medical completed within the last 24 months and a BMA Core Induction or a Standard 11 Coal Certificate

A Mid-Term Planning Engineer is required on a 2/3 month contract with a major mining house. Our client is a global resources company who operate at the forefront of the Queensland Metallurgical Coal Mining Industry.

Your role will be to carry out mid-term designs for DRE/Truck-shovel operation (including include DRE shells and reserving for overburden, spoil fit and coal) and truck shovel shell designs for number of strip using both 600t class excavators and rope shovels and possibly dump designs if required.

The essential requirements for this position are experience with Mine Design Software for design and reserving process, an Engineering Degree, experience with dragline design and truck/shovel design skills and experience with Vulcan dragline module.

To apply for this position or to discuss any other Technical/Managerial roles in the Mining sector please contact Ben Haigh - Manager of Hays Mining in confidence on 0732312692 / ben.haigh@hays.com.au

Human Capital Regional, Tax & Reporting Specialist - PT Bank Pundi Indonesia

 PT Bank Pundi Indonesia

Sebelumnya bernama Bank Eksekutif yang berdiri pada tahun 1992. Bank Pundi Indonesia yang berfokus pada sektor Usaha Mikro dan Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM). Untuk mendukung operasional saat ini Bank Pundi telah memiliki 19 kantor Bank yang meliputi 1 Kantor Pusat Operasional dan 18 kantor cabang di 12 kota di Indonesia.

PT Bank Pundi Indonesia saat ini mencari kandidat yang berdedikasi dan dapat bekerjasama dalam tim dengan jabatan dan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

1. Human Capital Regional Jabar (HC-JABAR)

• Menjalankan aktifitas pengelolaan Human Capital dalam mendukung pelaksanaan Operasional Area dan atau Cabang di wilayah kerjanya, meliputi :
• Rekrutmen
• Pelatihan / Training karyawan
• Turn Over karyawan
• Operation & Services
• Pengendalian fraud

• Pria, usia maksimum 28 tahun
• Pendidikan Jurusan S1 Psikologi, IPK minimal 3,00
• Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (MS Office)
• Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun sebagai Staf Rekrutmen atau Staf HRD / SDM di Perbankan atau perusahaan pembiayaan
• Memahami kebijakan & aturan yang terkait dengan ketenagakerjaan
• Memiliki kemauan dan kemampuan services yang baik
• Menyukai tantangan dan bekerja dengan target

Benefits :
• Status kepegawaian Tetap.
• Jenjang karir menantang.
• Training & Coaching berkesinambungan.
• Asuransi Kesehatan.

2. Tax & Reporting Specialist (TAX-SPC)
Jakarta Raya

• Mengelola pembayaran dan pelaporan pajak kantor pusat.
• Memelihara rincian dan softcopy dokumentasi perpajakan cabang-cabang.
• Memeriksa kelengkapan dokumen perpajakan cabang-cabang.
• Berfungsi menjadi Helpdesk yang membantu cabang terkait masalah perpajakan.
• Membuat rekonsiliasi pajak.

• Pendidikan S1 jurusan Akuntansi atau Perpajakan.
• Usia maksimum 35 tahun.
• Pengalaman minimal 3 tahun di bidang perbankan sebagai Staf Pajak.
• Memiliki sertifikat Brevet A dan Brevet B.
• Mengerti dan memahami peraturan perpajakan di Indonesia.
• Mengerti dan memahami seputar Ppn.
• Mampu membuat faktur pajak dan rekonsiliasi pajak.
• Rapi dan Teliti dalam dokumentasi pekerjaan baik Softcopy maupun Hardcopy.

Benefits :
• Status kepegawaian Tetap.
• Jenjang karir menantang.
• Training & Coaching berkesinambungan.
• Asuransi Kesehatan.

Kirimkan CV lengkap beserta foto ( maks. size 1,5 MB ) dengan melampirkan Kode Posisi pada Judul E-Mail ke alamat :
Bank Pundi Indonesia Juni

PT Bank Pundi Indonesia
Jl. Astana Anyar No.42-43
Bandung, Jawa Barat
Email : recruitment.jabar@bankpundi.co.id (Posisi 1)
Apply Online (Posisi 2)
Expired : 10 Juni 2013

Credit Marketing Officer, Collector Staff - PT Wahana Ottomitra Multiartha Tbk

 PT Wahana Ottomitra Multiartha Tbk

Atau yang lebih dikenal dengan nama WOM Finance sejarah berdiri pada tahun 1982, dengan nama awalnya yakni PT Jakarta Tokyo Leasing, kemudian berganti lagi menjadi PT Fuji Semeru Leasing pada tahun yang sama. Namun ditahun 1997 nama perusahaan diubah dan bertahan hingga sampai saat ini menjadi PT Wahana Ometraco Multiartha. Perusahaan kami bergerak dalam jasa pembiayaan untuk sepeda motor baru dan bekas, seperti merk Honda, Yamaha dan Suzuki.

PT Wahana Ottomitra Multiartha membuka kesempatan bagi profesional yang aktif, mampu berfikir analitis, bekerja secara independen maupun dalam tim, mampu bekerja dengan deadline yang ketat dan dinamis untuk bergabung dan menempati posisi :

1. Credit Marketing Officer
Surabaya (Jawa Timur)

• Pria
• Usia Maksimal 35 Tahun
• Pendidikan Min D3
• Memiliki Sepeda Motor dan SIM C
• Kemampuan Komunikasi yang Baik
• Menyukai Pekerjaan Lapangan
• Pengalaman atau Tidak Pengalaman

2. Collector Staff
Jawa Timur

• Pria
• Usia Maksimal 35 Tahun
• Pendidikan Minimal SMU
• Memiliki Sepeda Motor dan SIM C
• Kemampuan Komunikasi yang Baik
• Menyukai Pekerjaan Lapangan
• Pengalaman atau Tidak Pengalaman

Send your CV and application letter to:
  WOM Finance Juni

PT Wahana Ottomitra Multiartha Tbk
Jl Raya Waru, Ruko Gateway Blok F No 17-18
Sawotratap Gedangan sidoarjo
Apply Online (Posisi 1)
Apply Online (Posisi 2)
Expired : 10 Juni 2013
Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview

Trade Marketing Manager (TMM) - PT Garudafood Putra Putri Jaya

 PT Garudafood Putra Putri Jaya

Garudafood berdiri pada Agustus 1990, merupakan salah satu perusahaan manufaktur makanan dan minuman terkenal di Indonesia. Namun pada tahun 2000 Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) sepakat menggabungkan TPJ, Garuda Putra Putri Jaya, danGarudaFood Jaya dalam satu nama: PT GARUDAFOOD PUTRA PUTRI JAYA (GPPJ) Produk kami antara lain Kacang Garuda, Okky jelly dan minuman, Gery Biskuit, Leo makanan ringan, Minuman Mountea, dan juga Wafer Chocolatos.

PT Garudafood Putra Putri Jaya mencari kandidat yang berpotensi untuk menjadi karyawan dengan jabatan dan kualifikasi:

Trade Marketing Manager (TMM)
Jakarta Raya - Tanah Kusir, Jakarta Selatan

• Prepare and Develop Trade Marketing and Activation Program (includes but not limited to market and competitive review in field, develop operational strategy, setting operational target, program mechanism, and budget preparation).
• Launch Trade Marketing and Activation Program . This includes translate national program to road show deck and communicate to regional operations.
• Monitor and Review Trade Marketing and Activation Programs. This includes monitor and control implementation, review and develop improvement action plan, and implement improvement plan.
• Working together with related Brand Manager to review the trade marketing programs
• Identify area for improvement, develop improvement program and monitor the implementation to increase process efficiency, cost effectiveness, or increase productivity.
• Prepare, monitor, control the annual department budget to ensure expenditure is in line with the Business Plan

• At least hold Bachelor Degree from major Marketing, Business, Management or related discipline (Hold Post Graduate Degree is preferable)
• Expertise in Marketing area for at least 5 years as Area Sales Manager, Sales Manager, Trade Marketing Manager, or equivalent.
• Preferable had experience in Beverage company
• Willing to travel extensively.
• Willing to be placement in HO Tanah Kusir, Jakarta

Send your Curriculum Vitae to:
Garudafood Putra Putri Jaya Juni

Recruitment & Assessment Dept
PT Garudafood Putra Putri Jaya
Jl. Bintaro Raya No. 10A, Jakarta 12240
Email : recruitment-1@garudafood.co.id
Expired : 10 Juni 2013

Payroll Staff - PT Yamaha Motor Manufacturing West Java (YMMWJ)

 PT Yamaha Motor Manufacturing West Java (YMMWJ)

Atau yang disingkat dengan YMMWJ sejarah berdiri pada tanggal 23 November 2004. Namun mulai beroperasi pertama kali pada tahun 2006. PT YMMWJ masih berada dalam naungan PT Yamaha Indonesia Motor Manufacturing (YIMM). PT YMMWJ khusus memproduksi motor matik dan motor bebek yaitu Jupiter Z1, Vega ZR, Mio J, Mio Fino dan Soul GT. Sedangkan Jupiter MX, Xeon dan motor sport Yamaha diproduksi di pabrik Yamaha di Pulogadung. Hingga sampai saat ini Yamaha Motor Manufacturing West Java sedikitnya telah mempekerjakan kurang lebih 5.557 orang.

PT Yamaha Motor Manufacturing West Java membuka kesempatan bagi lulusan perguruan tinggi yang memiliki motivasi yang tinggi untuk mengisi posisi berikut ini :

Payroll Staff (Code: PRS)
Karawang (Jawa Barat)

• Wanita, usia maksimal 25 tahun
• Pendidikan minimum D3 Akuntansi / Keuangan
• Pengalaman / Fresh Graduate dengan IPK minimum 2,75 (Skala 4)
• Menguasai Komputer OS Windows (MS Word, MS Excel, Power Point)
• Memiliki kemampuan analisa dan komunikasi yang baik

Kirimkan lamaran anda dan Daftar Riwayat Hidup serta pas photo terbaru, ke alamat e-mail di bawah ini:
Yamaha Motor Manufacturing West Java Juni

PT Yamaha Motor Manufacturing West Java (YMMWJ)
Email : hendra_hrd_ymmwj@yamaha-motor.co.id
Expired : 06 Juni 2013
Tuliskan kode posisi yang anda lamar di subjek email
Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan diproses.

Manager Engineering, Staff Produksi, Staff Engineering, Staff Warehouse, Staff Utility - PT Mayora Indah

 PT Mayora Indah

Merupakan Perusahaan Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) terkemuka yang menjalankan usahanya dalam bidang industri makanan olahan. Produk kami diantaranya seperti biskuit, kembang gula, wafer, cokelat dan jelly. Sampai saat ini produk yang dihasilkan sudah sampai ke negara luar, diantaranya Asia, Australia, Afrika dan Amerika.

PT Mayora Indah saat ini sedang membutuhkan kandidat-kandidat potensial untuk meniti karir sebagai:

Manager Engineering

• Pria, usia min 30
D3/S1 T.Mesin / T.Elektro / Mekatronika
• Pengalaman di Industri FMCG/Beverages/Industri Plastik
• Pengalaman min.5 thn di bidangnya
• Memiliki kemampuan bahasa inggris
• Menguasai Maintenance mesin-mesin Produksi, PLC,Autocad
• Memahami ISO, HACCP, GMP & 5R, Halal

Staff Produksi

• Pria, usia Min 25 thn
D3/S1 T.Pangan / T.Industri / T.Kimia / T. Mesin / T. Elektro
• Pengalaman min. 2-3 thn di bidangnya
• Memiliki kemampuan bahasa inggris minimal pasif
• Memiliki leadership yang baik dan dapat bekerjasama dalam team
• Memahami ISO, HACCP, GMP
• Memiliki jiwa leadership dan kemampuan interpersonal yang baik
• Bersedia bekerja dalam shift
• Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Indonesia

Staff Engineering

• Pria, usia max 35 thn
• Pendiidikan min. Teknik Mesin/ Listrik/ Industri
• Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di bidangnya
• Memahami Maintenance mesin-mesin produksi Boiler, WTP. WWTP, Compressor, Genset
• Memiliki jiwa leadership
• Bersedia bekerja dalam shift
• Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Indonesia

Staff Warehouse

• Pria, usia max 35 thn
• Min. D3 Semua jurusan (prefer Jurusan Ekonomi)
• Pengalaman menjadi Staff Warehouse di bidang Manufaktur
• Mengerti sistem FIFO, FEFO, Stock Opname, Forklift
• Mempunyai kemampuan interpersonal & Leadership
• Mampu mengopeasikan program Microsoft Office, SAP
• Menguasai bahasa inggris (minimal pasif)
• Bersedia berkerja dalam sistem shift
• Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Indonesia

Staff Utility

• Pria usia maksimal 38 thn
D3 Teknik Elektro / Teknik Mesin / Mekatronika (Pengalaman Minimal 1 Tahun dibidangnya)
• Mengerti analisa dan penanganan limbah ( WWTP)
• Menguasai Plumbing, WWTP. WTP. Boiler, Compressor, HVAC, Power House
• Mempunyai kemampuan interpersonal & Leadership
• Menguasai bahasa inggris
• Bersedia berkerja dalam sistem shift
• Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Indonesia

Kirim  CV & Lamaran lengkap Anda ke Email:
  Mayora Indah Juni

PT Mayora Indah
Email : Recruitment.center@mayora.co.id
Expired : 10 Juni 2013

Flight Attendant Lion Air khusus Pria Walkin Interview

 PT Lion Mentari Airlines (Lion Air)

PT Lion Mentari Airlines (Lion Air), is Indonesia’s largest private carrier and Asia’s first hybrid carrier which offers both economy and business-class seating, based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Lion Air also flies to Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia and Saudi Arabia. Its main base is Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, Jakarta. It operates scheduled passenger services on an extensive network from Jakarta to 56 destinations (as of July 2010). We are currently seeking:
Male Flight Attendant Lion Air
Male, Single, age between 18-25 years old
Holding at least an SMU graduate or equivalent
Having minimum body height 170cm with proportional body weight
Attractive appearance, energetic and pleasant personality
Fluent in English
Not wearing glasses, and not color blind
Interested applicants are invited to attend the walk in interview on:
Day : 28th and 30th May 2013
Time : 08.00 WIB - Finish
venue : Lion Air Tower, Jalan Gajahmada No. 7, Jakarta Pusat
Please bring along the folling documents:
Copy of ID Card
Copy of latest education diploma
Photograph 3×4 (2 pieces) and whole body postcard size (2 pieces)
Copy of birth certificate
Copy of KK
Surat keterangan belum menikah dari RT / RW Setempat (original)
Health certificate (original)
Not Color Blind Cerficicate