Lovanul Cholil El Frustasi

Minggu, 12 Mei 2013

Lowongan Kerja Bank Danamon Juni 2013

Loker 2013 Terbaru Juni Bank Danamon
Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Danamon Tbk sejarahnya berdiri pada tahun 1956. Di tahun 1976 adanya perubahan nama menjadi Bank Danamon Indonesia dan Bank Danamon ini menjadi bank pertama dalam mempelopori pertukaran mata uang asing di tahun 1976. Puluhan ribu orang telah bergabung dan mencapai kesuksesan bersama di PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk melalui segmen Danamon Simpan Pinjam. Saat ini, Danamon adalah salah satu institusi keuangan terbesar di Indonesia dari jumlah pegawai – sekitar 61,875 (termasuk karyawan anak perusahaan). Saat ini Danamon adalah bank ke-enam terbesar di Indonesia berdasarkan aset, dengan jaringan cabang kedua terbesar yaitu lebih dari 2,900 kantor cabang yang tersebar di seluruh wilayah Indonesia.

PT Bank Danamon kembali memberi kesempatan pada anda untuk berkarir dan bergabung bersama kami melalui Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2013 sebagai:


Job Description:
Through the company's fast track Management Associate program, you will be developed to be future leaders of PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk. with strong network across the bank.

• Bachelor or Master Degree with minimum GPA of 3.00 (scale 4.00) from any major.
• Male/Female with maximum age of 25 years old
• Open to both fresh graduates or those having a minimum of 1 year of working experience (preferably financial institution)
• Possess good English communication skill
• Able to work under pressure

Please submit your application to: 

Lowongan Kerja 2013 Bank Danamon Juni

PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk
Email : nanik.soetanto@danamon.co.id OR
Expired : 30 Juni 2013

Lowongan Kerja S1 Segala Jurusan di BRI Agro Cabang Pekanbaru

PT. BRI AGRONIAGA, Tbk Cab Pekanbaru membutuhkan beberapa orang karyawan untuk menempati posisi jabatan :
Account Officer (Kode : AO)
Funding Officer (Kode : FO)
Customer Service (Kode : CS)
Teller (Kode : TL)
Back Office (Kode : BO)

Pendidikan minimal Sarjana (S1) segala jurusan
IPK minimal 3.00
Untuk posisi No.1 dan 2 pengalaman di perbankan min 1 thn, bersedia dibebani target dan memiliki market
Berpenampilan menarik dan berkepribadian menarik
Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi interpersonal yang baik
Pengajuan lamaran
Lamaran mohon dikirimkan ke :
BANK BRI AGRO Jl. Jendral Sudirman No.231
Pekanbaru – Riau
Dengan melampirkan:
Surat Lamaran
FC Ijazah dan FC transkrip nilai legalisir
Pasphoto terbaru berwarna ukuran 4X6 (1 lbr)
Tuliskan kode lamaran pada sudut kiri atas sampul
paling lambat diterima 18 Mei 2013
Hanya aplikasi lamaran yang memenuhi kualifikasi administrasi yang akan dipanggil

Superintendent Mine - PT. Lahai Coal ( IndoMet Coal )

IndoMet Coal is currently constructing mining infrastructure and developing a port facility in Central Kalimantan, production from the first mine is planned to commence in the third quarter of 2013.

IndoMet Coal’s vision is to be a world-class coal business delivering sustainable benefits for the future of Indonesia.
IndoMet Coal demonstrates an overriding commitment to safety and strives to deliver sustainable development, lasting environmental and community benefits.
We are now offering career opportunities for individuals who share our values and wish to be part of a diverse and challenging environment.

Superintendent Mine

Permanent position – Site Based
This leadership role supervises the contract mining operations. This person will be responsible for the planning and contract execution of the mining operations. Delivery of product coal to quality specifications will be critical and this role will need to work closely and effectively with IMC’s geological and coal quality personnel.
  • Work with peers from the operation and asset functions to resolve resourcing and scheduling issues in order to deliver optimal overall production
  • Provide input into long-term planning (Resource Development Plan, Life of Asset, 5 year plan, 2 year budget and short range forecast)
  • Provide input into, and sign off, the weekly plan
  • Ensure that the plan is executed effectively, monitor any variations from the plan, and make decisions to recover variations
  • Accept accountability for the performance of their teams by ensuring quality of tasks, services and advice to the operation and asset functions
  • Optimise the utilisation of existing business systems, processes, practices and equipment to ensure sustainable, efficient and effective outcomes
  • Manage statutory obligations
  • Analyse variances, trends, risks and opportunities across shifts, highlighting operational performance issues to management
  • Perform and coordinate reporting for management to ensure that they are continuously informed and updated
  • Contribute to management and functional reviews including making recommendations to improve production tools and activities          
  • Relevant tertiary qualifications or equivalent industry and/or organisational experience
  • All required site statutory competencies as referenced in the site health and safety management system and/or IMC policy
  • Pengawas Operasional Madya/POM certificate from the Indonesia’s Dept. of Mines & Energy
  • Desired experience of 5 years in a relevant role
  • Desired experience in Mining operations
  • English language skills written and verbal
  • Sound communication skills to exchange complex information

If you meet the criteria above, please send your application letter and other supporting document to :

MANAGER PLANNING & NPI - PT. Lahai Coal ( IndoMet Coal )

IndoMet Coal is currently constructing mining infrastructure and developing a port facility in Central Kalimantan, production from the first mine is planned to commence in the third quarter of 2013.
IndoMet Coal’s vision is to be a world-class coal business delivering sustainable benefits for the future of Indonesia.
IndoMet Coal demonstrates an overriding commitment to safety and strives to deliver sustainable development, lasting environmental and community benefits.
We are now offering career opportunities for individuals who share our values and wish to be part of a diverse and challenging environment.


Permanent position – Site Based

This position is a key technical leadership role that leads the safe and effective delivery of the coal quality plan and processes, company mine planning resources and aviation operation activities including contractors, schedules, fuel & facilities. Delivers safe work practices that comply with the site health and safety management system. Guide the optimisation of product yield, recovery and throughput within quality specifications. Manages contractors production designs, plans and schedules that deliver the annual mine plan. Direct development of standard planning specifications, tools, and practices. Ensure delivery of scheduled exploration logistics support including managing camp and related support activity. Manages costs to budget for this department. Guides teams by applying specialist knowledge and experience. Develops skills of direct reports through coaching and mentoring.
  • Demonstrate and instill an overriding commitment to health, safety, environmental responsibility and sustainable development
  • Demonstrate commitment to the BHP Billiton Values and IndoMet Coal Project’s key behaviours and Code of Business Conduct
  • Comply with relevant policies, Group Level Documents (GLDs) and the site health & safety management system
  • Engage with manager production and contractor to resolve resourcing and scheduling issues in order to deliver optimal overall production quality and manage ARD
  • Ensure input into 2 year plan and budget with regard to coal quality and ARD management
  • Approve the weekly plan for coal quality and ARD and ensure execution, monitoring of variations and recovery from variations
  • Manage execution of short term plans to meet the desired outcomes for the function
  • Management of onsite coal quality, mine planning and aviation logistics teams
  • Direct effective control of Contractors to minimise coal loss, waste dilution and eliminate ARD impact
  • Accountable for people, procedures and standards to ensure coal quality meets specification, coal movement and inventory is maintained against strategy
  • Ensure effective production accounting systems, including mine plan approval, reconciliation, coal quality variances and ARD management, resolving operational performance issues.
  • Provide Aviation functions according to IMC HSES policies and standards, government regulations and IMC SOPs in an efficient and cost effective manner
  • Accountable for actively managing IMC engagement with marketing to ensure timely delivery of specified product at IBT to customers
  • Manage contractors to achieve business goals in a safe, sustainable and cost effective manner, including Tug and Barge, Analytical Services, Export Port, and Aviation Service Providers
  • Develop, maintain and provide the required aviation surface infrastructure (directly owned, contracted or third party) to enable the required scheduled aviation services to all IMC Project stakeholders, including regulatory and reporting requirements. This specifically excludes exploration helipads
  • Cross shift coverage as required for other onsite managers
  • Direct the establishment and implement appropriate technical, reconciliation and reporting systems that are easily understood by key stakeholders, are traceable and auditable
  • Tertiary qualification in Geology / Metallurgy or equivalent industry and/or organisational experience
  • All required site statutory competencies as referenced in the site health and safety management system and/or IMC policy
  • Desired experience of 10 years in a relevant role
  • Desired experience at a mine site
  • Desired experience with mine planning software and tools
  • Holding kepala Teknik Tambang certificate and/or Pengawas Operasioanl Utama qualification from the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
  • All required site statutory competencies as referenced in the site management structure, site health and safety management system
  • Experience with mine planning and scheduling software, including Vulcan and XPAC
  • Proficient in English language

If you meet the criteria above, please send your application letter and other supporting document to :


PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) is establish as a subsidiary company of PT Pertamina (Persero) in upstream area. We are managing and developing portfolios in upstream oil & gas business through various schemes of partnership, domestically as well as internationally. The schemes include Joint Operating Body of Production Sharing Contract (JOB-PSC), Pertamina Participating Interest (PPI) and also other partnership in operating overseas blocks.

We are now operating in 9 Fields of JOB-PSC, 16 blocks of Pertamina Participating Interest (PPI), 9 overseas bloks (onshore & offshore) in 7 countries, and 4 Participating Interest (PI) in CBM business. In expanding worldwide and reaching the corporate vision, We therefore is set in high gear for our future growth to be a respectable World Class Oil & Gas Company.
In its rapid growth and dynamic working environment, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi seeks people who has integrity, driven to make improvement, and highly adaptable. We invite you all to explore and discover various of opportunity, the thrill of the challenge, and the glorious moment of fulfillment in the world of PT Pertamina Hulu Energi.

Sr. Geologist ( 03/4/PHE13 )

Job Description
  • Organize and evaluate:
  1. new and old well data, and design a future development geological model
  2. completion log and section correlation result of new drilling
  • Learn about under surface mapping and new drilling result
  • Create an interpretations of hydrocarbon prospect based on UKL planning from wells drilling result, KUPL planning, or drilling program

Job Requirement
  •     Min 8 years working experience in Oil, Gas/Field development
  •     Good Understanding in Petroleum System Concept
  •     Having experience in Generating PSE an POD
  •     Understanding PRMS
  •     Experience in well drilling monitoring
  •     Prospect Risk Assesment and Uncertainties Estimation

To apply this job, please submit your complete resume and recent photograph by using:


Lowongan Kerja PLN tingkat SMA dan SMK wilayah Jawa Tengah dan Yogyakarta

Dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan tenaga kerja, PT PLN (Persero)
Distribusi Jawa Tengah & DI Yogyakarta, membutuhkan tenaga kerja tingkat SMA dan SMK, untuk mengisi lowongan jabatan sebagai berikut:
1. Operator Transmisi (OPT-TRS)
SMK/STM dengan jurusan
-T.Elektronika industri
-T.Instalasi kelistrikan
-T.Jaringan Akses
-T.Komputer & informatika
-T. Komputer & Jaringan
-T. Listrik
-T. Listrik Industri
-T. Mekatronika
-T. Pemanfaatan tenaga listrik
-T. Telekomunikasi
-Teknologi informasi & komunikasi
2. Operator Distribusi (OPT DIS)
SMK/STM dengan jurusan
- T.Elektro
- Instalasi kelistrikan
- T.Listrik
- T.Listrik Industri
- T.Pemanfaatan tenaga listrik
3. Teknisi Distribusi (TKS-DIS)
SMK/STM dengan jurusan
-Instalasi kelistrikan
-T.Listrik Industri
-T.Pemanfaatan tenaga listrik
4. Teknisi Transmisi (TKS-TRS)
SMK/STM dengan jurusan
- T.Elektro
- T.Elektronika
- T.Elektronika industry
- T.Informatika
- T.Jaringan Akses
- T.Komputer & informatika
- T. Komputer & Jaringan
- Mekatronika
- T.Telekomunikasi
- Teknologi informasi & komunikasi
Adapun kriteria yang dipersyaratkan adalah sebagai berikut:
1.  Jenis kelamin Laki-laki; belum menikah dan sanggup tidak menikah selama mengikuti Diklat Prajabatan
2. Lulus/Siswa Kelas 12 :
a. SMA/Sederajat : Jurusan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPA); atau
b. SMK : Jurusan Teknik Listrik
- Bagi peserta yang sudah lulus :
Rata-rata nilai hasil Ujian Nasional (SKHUN) minimal 6,5 (enam koma lima)
- Bagi peserta siswa kelas 12 :
Nilai raport semester 5 untuk mata pelajaran Matematika dan fisika minimal 6,5 (enam koma lima). Jika peserta tidak lulus Ujian Nasional tahun 2013, maka peserta dinyatakan gugur.
3. Kelahiran tahun 1994 dan setelahnya
4. Tinggi badan minimal 155 cm
5. Berat badan proporsional terhadap tinggi badan (BMI maksimal 28)
6. Sehat jasmani dan rohani serta tidak buta warna
7. Tidak bertatto dan tidak bertindik
8. Tidak terikat pada ikatan kerja Instansi manapun
9. Tidak terlibat dalam penyalahgunaan narkoba dan zat adiktif lainnya
10. Lulus seluruh tahapan seleksi, yang meliputi :
Seleksi Administrasi, Tes Akademis, Tes Fisik, Psikotes, Tes Kesehatan,
Wawancara Dan Diklat Prajabatan.
1. Bersedia ditempatkan di wilayah kerja PT PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jawa Tengah & DI Yogyakarta dan PT PLN (Persero) Wilayah Kalimantan Timur
2. Berbadan sehat (sesuai standar laboratorium), tidak buta warna, tidak
rabun malam, tidak berkacamata, dan tidak merokok.
1. Berkas lamaran dikirim melalui pos ke PO BOX 6446 SMS
paling lambat 25 Mei 2013 (cap pos)
2. Ketentuan dan kelengkapan berkas lamaran :
a. Surat lamaran yang ditujukan kepada :
PT PLN (Persero)
c.q. Kepala Divisi Pengembangan SDM dan Talenta
b. Riwayat hidup (CV)
c. Copy Ijazah yang dilegalisir Bagi peserta dari kelas 12, copy ijazah yang dilegalisir diserahkan pada saat tahap akhir seleksi (tahap wawancara)
d. Copy Surat Keterangan Hasil Ujian Nasional (SKHUN) yang dilegalisir
Bagi peserta dari kelas 12, copy SKHUN yang dilegalisir diserahkan pada saat tahap akhir seleksi (tahap wawancara)
e. Copy raport semester 5 yang dilegalisir (bagi peserta kelas 12)
f. Copy Akte Kelahiran/ surat keterangan lahir yang dilegalisir
g. Copy KTP (bagi yang belum memiliki KTP melampirkan Surat Keterangan dari Kelurahan)
h. Pasfoto berwarna terbaru ukuran 4×6 sebanyak 6 lembar
i. Surat pernyataan diatas materai 6000 yang menyatakan bahwa:
- Tidak terlibat dalam penyalahgunaan narkoba dan zat adiktif lainnya dan tidak terlibat tindakan kriminal
- Belum menikah dan sanggup tidak menikah selama mengikuti diklat prajabatan
- Tidak terikat kerja dengan institusi lain
Berkas lamaran yang tidak lengkap atau tidak sesuai dengan persyaratan yang ditetapkan tidak akan diproses lebih lanjut.
3. Seluruh berkas lamaran agar dimasukkan ke dalam map dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut :
a. Untuk pelamar kode OPT-TRS menggunakan map warna BIRU
b. Untuk pelamar kode OPT-DIS menggunakan map warna MERAH
c. Untuk pelamar kode TKS-DIS menggunakan map warna KUNING
d. Untuk pelamar kode TKS-TRS menggunakan map warna HIJAU
Pada map tersebut, tuliskan nama dan pilihan jabatan. Kemudian masukkan map kedalam amplop cokelat.
4. Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti seleksi. Tempat dan jadwal seleksi akan diberitahukan kemudian oleh PT PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jawa Tengah & DI Yogyakarta melalui website http://www.pln.co.id/disjateng/
1. Peserta yang dinyatakan memenuhi syarat akan diikutkan
Diklat Prajabatan, diklat dilaksanakan
maksimal 12 bulan dengan status sebagai siswa Diklat Prajabatan
2. Apabila telah lulus Diklat Prajabatan, akan diangkat sebagai Pegawai Tetap dengan wajib menjalani ikatan dinas selama 5 (lima) tahun pertama dan usia pensiun 46 tahun.
3. Keputusan Tim Penerimaan Pegawai tidak dapat diganggu gugat dan tidak ada korespondensi berkaitan dengan rekrutmen ini.
4. Tidak dipungut biaya apapun selama mengikuti seleksi yang diselenggarakan oleh PT PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jawa Tengah & DI Yog
5. Hati-hati terhadap penipuan yang dilakukan dengan mengatasnamakan Pegawai/Pejabat/Tim Rekrutmen PT PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jawa Tengah & DI Yogyakarta

Health and Benefits Senior Consultant - Dental, Vision and Stop Loss (Open Location) Aon - Chicago (Greater Chicago Area)

Health and Benefits Senior Consultant - Dental, Vision and Stop Loss (Open Location)

Aon - Chicago (Greater Chicago Area)

Job Description

About AonAon plc (NYSE: AON) is the leading global provider of risk management, insurance and reinsurance brokerage, and human resources solutions and outsourcing services. Through its more than 61,000 colleagues worldwide, Aon unites to empower results for clients in over 120 countries via innovative and effective risk and people solutions and through industry-leading global resources and technical expertise. Aon has been named repeatedly as the world's best broker, best insurance intermediary, reinsurance intermediary, captives manager and best employee benefits consulting firm by multiple industry sources. Visit www.aon.com for more information on Aon and www.aon.com/manchesterunited to learn about Aon's global partnership and shirt sponsorship with Manchester United.

We currently have an exciting career opportunity for a Health and Benefits Senior Consultant with an expertise in Dental, Vision and Stop Loss coverages.  This position will support Aon’s Health & Benefits practice.
The preferred office locations for this position are Lincolnshire or Chicago, IL, but other Aon offices or a virtual arrangement may be also be considered.

JOB OVERVIEWSubject matter expert in Aon Hewitt’s Structured Portfolio Solutions.  Liaises closely with vendors and client teams to drive positive client outcomes in RFP and renewal situations.

The Aon Health & Benefits Structured Portfolio Solutions team is dedicated to supporting the business through the centralization of transactions (including RFPs and renewals) related to ancillary coverages.  This team will work closely with vendors and client teams to drive client value and thought leadership through a more focused, efficient model.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES-  Peer reviews renewal and RFP transactions for Aon Hewitt’s Structured Portfolio group
-  Negotiates terms, conditions, and pricing with vendors
-  Closely aligned with Specialty Practice Leaders on strategy and approach
-  Works closely with supporting analysts, vendors and client teams to deliver client value through consistent deliverables
-  Mentors and trains analysts

Key Leadership Dimensions:
-  Client Value - Interprets data about multiple clients and clients’ markets, identifying trends which can influence projects
-  Unmatched Teams - Coaches others to present facts and ideas in an effective way; recognizes excellent performance
-  Innovation - Demonstrates a breadth of knowledge; implements new ideas that improve team effectiveness
-  Business Results - Manages client and stakeholder expectations; delivers value without compromising quality
-  Values - Builds effective teams which promote respect and values

-  7+ years of relevant experience
-  Consulting or underwriting experience required
-  Ability to multi-task and work within deadlines
-  Professional approach and strong communication skills
-  Product knowledge of Stop Loss, Life/Disability, Dental, Vision, and/or Elective Benefits required
-  Life & Health license

Aon offers competitive compensation, exceptional benefits, continuing education & training, a unique internal advancement program, and tremendous potential with a growing worldwide organization.

All positions at Aon require an applicant who has accepted an offer to undergo a background check. The checks run are based on the nature of the position. Background checks may include some or all of the following: SSN/SIN validation, education verification, employment verification, criminal check, search against global sanctions and government watch lists, fingerprint verification, credit check, and/or drug test. By applying for a position with Aon, you understand that you will be required to undergo a background check should you be made an offer. You also understand that the offer is contingent upon successful completion of the background check and results consistent with Aon's employment policies. You will be notified during the hiring process which checks are required by the position.

Aon's professionals are unwavering in their client focus and integrity. We promote diversity, professional development, frugality and stewardship, applying a disciplined non-bureaucratic approach to help our clients realize their business potential. Drawing on our experienced team as a competitive advantage, Aon employees have the freedom to take risks, foster innovation, champion for change and replicate best practices.

For more information about Aon Corporation, visit our website at http://www.aon.com.

Aon is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce. M/F/D/V

Nothing in this job description restricts management's right to assign or reassign duties and responsibilities to this job at any time.

Sales Operations Manager Knowles Electronics Holdings, Inc. - Chicago

Job Description

Organization Description:
Knowles Electronics is the leading global supplier of high performance, subminiature microphones and speakers serving a variety of applications and markets. Our unique expertise in acoustic technology has enabled us to maintain a leading position in the hearing aid transducer marketplace. More recently, our advanced acoustic technology has expanded into the consumer electronics (mobile phones, laptops, headsets, MP3 players, gaming devices) markets. Knowles Acoustics introduced the world’s first surface mount microphone (SiSonic) and is the #1 provider of surface-mount, MEMS microphones to the mobile handset marketplace. Recently, Knowles Acoustics shipped its 3 billionth microphone and Knowles acquired Sound Solutions, a global leader in receivers and speakers for the mobile handset market. The company has operations in North America, Europe and Asia, with primary manufacturing facilities in China and Malaysia. Knowles is a member of the Dover Corporation, a diversified industrial manufacturer with billion in annualized revenues from stand alone operating companies.

The Business Operations Manager will directly support the VP of Sales & Marketing, managing the planning and execution of sales and marketing initiatives including sales plans, forecasting, sales systems, training, market analysis and marketing communications for the Knowles Acoustics and Sound Solutions business.

Your Responsibilities:
•Represents Sales in Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP) process: designs, implements and manages sales forecasting, planning and budgeting process. Focus on quality, accuracy and consistency of plan.
•Provides Market Business Intelligence: analyzes industry (market, business, customer trends) and produces related reports
•Manages Global Marketing Communication initiatives for existing and new products/solutions
•Optimizes sales systems: process improvement, systems enhancement, training, e.g. Demantra, CRM
•Designs and administers sales incentive plans by business, by region, by customer, by sales person
•Supports sales teams and account managers on consistent sales strategies and account penetration plans
•Manages and reports on design win funnel and links design-win funnel to future revenue projection
•Facilitates monthly account reviews
•Coordinates global sales training, collaborating with Product Managers, Applications Engineers, R&D for new products
•Administers sales policies and promotion plans
•Administers distribution and manufacturer representative contracts

Your Profile:
•Bachelors Degree required. Bachelors Degree in a technical discipline and MBA preferred.
•7 years+ in global sales and marketing in Electronic component/semi-conductor industry
•Strong effective communicator both written and verbal.
•Highly developed, demonstrated teamwork skills, past Post Merger/Aquisition Integration experience a plus.
•Strong problem solving and analytical skills.
•Demonstrated effectiveness in communicating with various functions and seniority within a global company.
•Experience managing sales and marketing budgets.
•Experience of modeling volume and financial metrics for products/solutions based on research results.
•Experience working in a fast moving, flexible, intuitive, employee empowering work environment.

Knowles is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Company Description

Founded in 1946, Knowles offers a growing range of micro-acoustic, electro-mechanical, and related technology platforms to support the business potential of our customers. These platforms enable us to collaborate early in the concept-design process to help our customers develop smaller, higher density, higher performance products.

Knowles is an application-based technology company, collaborating on the development of new products and components for hearing instrumentation and the broader electronic devices and human interface components markets. Depending on the application, Knowles' design-development teams are assigned and managed by either the Knowles Electronics (Hearing Health) or Knowles Acoustics or Knowles Sound Solutions (Consumer Electronics) groups .

Knowles corporate headquarters is based in Itasca, Illinois with technical customer support offices located around the globe. Knowles has manufactured in Asia since 1974, with world-class facilities in China and Malaysia. All of our manufacturing facilities are ISO-9001 certified, with some additionally certified to ISO-14001 or OHSAS-18001. The Knowles Quality Management System ensures design, integrity, efficient manufacturing and the cost effective on-time delivery of our products and services.

Knowles is owned by the Dover Corporation, a diversified manufacturer with $8 billion in annualized revenue from operating companies that manufacture specialized electronics, industrial products and equipment.

Major Account Sales ADP - Chicago

Job Description

Requisition #: 58232
Job Title: Major Account Sales
Country: United States
State: Illinois
City: Chicago
Employment Status: Full Time

Job Responsibilities:

At ADP we are driven by your success. We engage your unique talents and perspectives. We welcome your ideas on how to do things differently and better. In your efforts to achieve, learn and grow, we support you all the way. If success motivates you, you belong at ADP.

Insightful Expertise is a core value at ADP and in TotalSource we have built the largest Professional Employer Organization (PEO) in the country using that expertise. We provide our clients, small to mid-sized companies, with an integrated suite of HR management solutions - everything from payroll to benefits, HR compliance and HR support. (edit) Did you know that over 95% of our small business clients are not only satisfied with ADP's services but would recommend ADP to someone else? How would that kind of success impact your career?
Sales at ADP. It's what drives our global growth as a world-wide leader of workforce solutions. With us, you can achieve your best within a sales-centric, performance-oriented environment. We give you the tools to succeed, with continuous opportunities to train and advance. And as you develop the relationships that fuel our growth, you can enjoy the rewards and recognition you deserve.

As a Sales Associate you can expect to:
- Network in person and over the phone with key decision makers in a designated territory
- Develop and execute a cold calling strategy to prospect targets for ADP payroll and HR solutions
- Mine existing and prospective clients for referral business
- Represent stand-alone products of genuine interest to customers
- Cross sell business outsourcing solutions to an existing client base

As a Sales Associate you can expect to receive:
- A competitive base salary with performance based annual increases
- Unique tiered commission structure - the more you sell, the higher percent you take home
- Monthly bonuses just for meeting your goals
- Access to award winning 24/7 training
- Reimbursement for mileage and cell phone
- Individualized support and career coaching
... plus a highly competitive benefits package including tuition reimbursement, company stock and pension plans

Qualifications Required:
(Experience, Skills, Academic)

To qualify, you should have:
- A relevant Bachelor's degree
- A keen drive and barrier-breaking confidence
- A strong and classic work ethic
- Superior written and verbal communications skills

About ADP: We power organizations with insightful solutions that drive business success. Consistently named one of the "Most Admired Companies" by FORTUNE® Magazine, and recognized by Forbes® as one of "The World's Most Innovative Companies," ADP has over a half-million clients around the globe and 60+ years of experience as a world-wide leader of business outsourcing solutions.

ADP is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer; M/F/D/V. ADP believes that diversity leads to strength.

Sr Manager, Sales Engineering T-Mobile - Chicago

Job Description

!*!T-Mobile USA is a national provider of wireless voice, messaging, and data services capable of reaching over 268 million Americans where they live, work, and play. In a world full of busy and fragmented lives, we at T-Mobile USA, Inc. have the idea that wireless communications can help. The value of our plans, the breadth of our coverage, the reliability of our network, and the quality of our service are meant to do one thing; help you stick together with the people who make your life come alive. That's why we're here.The Sr. Manager, Sales Engineering is a high profile position within T- Mobile, as well as in the greater wireless industry and corporate IT professional circles. This position is responsible for leading a team of T- Mobile's sales engineers that support our business sales professionals and T-Mobile's business customers nationwide.
T- Mobile has built the wireless industry's premier Sales Engineering team with deep expertise in Enterprise and SMB IT environments. The T-Mobile Sales Engineering team is built around individuals with proven track records in data networking, system administration, and security, allowing them to communicate with T- Mobile's business customers on the Customer's terms. At the same time, each Sales Engineer has also built depth within the wireless networking domain and is able to support T-Mobile's engineering teams as wireless data subject matter experts.The Sr. Manager, Sales Engineering is expected to have outstanding public speaking skills and is frequently called on to participate in senior level presentations to T- Mobile's strategic customers. They will also focus on Sales/Product strategies; including key initiatives of driving profitability and protecting and growing the Enterprise and Mid-Market account base. This leader will manage strategic relationships with business partners to effectively achieve company objectives. Internal partnerships include Engineering, Product Marketing, Product Realization, B2B Marketing, Customer Care, and Training leadership teams.As a Leader you will be responsible for building effective teams, setting performance direction, holding others accountable, delegating, motivating, and coaching and developing others. Also accountable for driving results and leading through change.

!*!The ideal candidate will have 5+ years of proven technical, product, and 5 + years business to business sales management experience in a high-volume, commissioned sales environment. The successful candidate will have a demonstrated track record of building winning teams and implementing technical partnership strategies to achieve company objectives. The scope of responsibility for this position is T-Mobile's National Business Sales Channel leading the National Sales Engineering team.· Outstanding leadership skills; a strategic business leader able to align with T-Mobile's culture and values.· Excellent communication and public speaking skills.· A mature, confident professional who motivates others by goal setting, creating a team atmosphere and leading by example.· Proven leadership in providing Tier 3 pre and post-sales support to national B2B sales teams.· Strong ability to lead and guide decision making in business solutions.· Strong level of commitment to customer satisfaction.· Proven success in managing a budget.EDUCATION & EXPERIENCE· BS/BA strongly preferred. MBA desired.· 5+ years of experience in Wireless technology with broad understanding of product development, marketing, sales and service models.· Demonstrated success in using customer-focused research to drive product innovation and satisfaction.· Strong background in defining and launching world class products.· Successful track record of meeting specific business objectives and performance metrics.T-Mobile is an equal opportunity employer (EOE). We strongly support diversity in the workforce.T-Mobile USA offers a full range of comprehensive benefits, including medical, dental, vision, as well as matching 401(k), generous paid time off programs, mobile phone and service discounts, tuition reimbursement, free parking - not to mention a fun and business casual work environment.

Inside Sales Support - Chicago

Job Description

MoreDirect is a profitable $700M+ company focusing on technology procurement for the Fortune 2000, located in Boca Raton, Florida. MoreDirect is a wholly-owned subsidiary of PC Connection (PCCC), a $2 Billion+ publicly traded company located in Merrimack, NH.

MoreDirect simplifies the IT procurement process by providing clients a fully integrated, easy to use proprietary system (TRAXX) for the procurement of products and software. We offer a wide range of technology services with over 500 technical certifications and a qualified team of expert engineers, technical resources, software licensing specialists and project manager to offer best-in-class solutions to our customers across US.

TRAXX empowers our clients to efficiently source, evaluate, compare price, procure and track their IT purchases. TRAXX creates a streamlined, efficient approach to IT procurement that reduces the cost and complexity of buying hardware, software and services. By leveraging our strategic relationships with leading IT manufacturers, IT supply channel and software providers, MoreDirect is able to provide the best pricing and preferred product availability in the market with over a million IT products and software.  
As a part of a sales team, ISS provides daily administrative sales support function to one or more Inside Account Managers (IAM) and their clients. ISSR is responsible for managing existing clients’ daily sales support requests.

This is an inside sales support position non-customer facing, requiring strong communications skills, and multi-tasking skills. The position also requires extensive interaction and communication with distribution partners, MD HQ Operations teams, IAM and National Account Manager. ISSR must be able to rapidly process inbound requests from customers relating to quotes, orders and returns; follow up with distribution partners for sourcing and back ordered items; and provide ETA to the customer around any open orders.

Essential Job Functions:

  • High volume and excellent quality of work produced are key measure of job performance.
  • Must possess excellent organization, time and multi-task management skills
  • Must be able to effectively and professionally communicate between clients and MD internal teams
  • Must possess a high level of commitment toward customer services and responsiveness
  • Must establish and maintain strong relationships with distribution partners
  • Must maintain current velocity product line knowledge from top leading technology market leaders. Velocity product lines are defined as desktops, mobile devices, low end servers, peripherals and accessories.
  • Must be able to work flexible hours to support assigned customer time zone

  • Job Qualifications:

    • An experienced, mature and seasoned professional with at least 3 years of experience successfully supporting IT hardware, software and professional services.
    • Have prior, recent and relevant experience supporting IT products at competitor VAR or direct marketer
    • Knowledgeable on major strategic OEM product lines with understanding of current technologies
    • Requires strong work ethics, can do attitude and ability to work in a team
    • Strong organization and multi-tasking skills are a MUST
    • Must possess good professional email writing skills
    • Able to think strategically and leverage resources.
    • Strong knowledge of Excel, Word, Outlook
    • Previous experiences in a similar role in a fast-paced, high-velocity, high touch sales environment is absolutely a requirement.

    • In exchange for your talent we will offer an exceptional compensation plan based on skills and experience. After one full month of employment (on the 1st day of the following month) employees are eligible for a complete benefits package that includes: health, dental, life & disability insurance, flexible spending accounts, 401(k) & much more. Paid vacation, sick time and holidays are also offered. Become part of a great team environment in an industry leading, growing, and profitable organization!

Operations Director Award Winning Digital Agency - London

Operations Director

Award Winning Digital Agency - London (London, United Kingdom)

Job Description

Operations Director | Digital Agency | London | £90k - £100k | MK/115136
An award winning digital agency based in London are looking for a commercially minded Operations Director to take ownership for delivery, process and people along with the day to day operations of the London office of over 150 people.
As an Operations Director you will be pro-active and enthusiastic person to support the smooth day to day running of the London office to ensure that forecasting is accurate; utilization targets are being met; business processes are defined, supported and that the business runs efficiently.
Key responsibilities include:
  • Support the HR Manager in improving recruitment process,  retention and career development strategies
  • Creating reports for Senior management (using TrafficLive)
  • Oversee resourcing in UK, ensure weekly meetings with PMs and HODs are being effectively run by the Head of Resource
  • Ensure new internal business processes as per Sohnar workflow are followed
  • Ensure managers are providing training for their teams in TrafficLive
  • Point of contact with Sohnar for support and recommendations on quarterly releases
  • Liaise with international offices on learning and developments as TrafficLive system/processes evolve
  • Oversee PMO Improvement programme
  • Managing senior operations leaders
  • Delivering on ad hoc systems projects

Desired Skills & Experience

  • Solid project management experience is a must,
  • Strong digital or communications experience.
  • Extensive background in operations and project management
  • Line management experience
  • Change management experience
  • Project and Programme Management skills

Company Description

This is great opportunity to join an award winning digital agency at a very exciting time. The agency is delivering innovative digital solutions for global brands. This is an opportunity to make a real difference in taking the agency to the next level.

HR Manager British Council - Manchester

Job Description

Working closely with HR Partner (Contracts), to deliver HR partnering support to the business.  To ensure effective provision of agreed HR services, commissioning support from other areas of the HR Directorate and the global Centres of Experience in ways that support the achievement of P&P’s business goals and priorities. 
This will include
  • Ensuring effective provision of operational HR services for teams, building capacity and increased ownership of people issues
  • Sharing responsibility for the leadership and achievement of HR strategy and goals with the HR Partner
  • Commissioning support from other areas of the HR Directorate, the global Centres of Experience and HR colleagues in ways that support the achievement of business goals and priorities
  • Actively contributing to the development of P&P’s HR strategy and plans and the engagement of stakeholders across the organisation
  • Demonstrating a sound understanding of the business, the wider organisation and external best practice and acting as point of advice and support on HR to ensure people issues are identified, explored, understood and managed in a timely manner
  • Establishing and embedding processes, standards, systems and services which promote improvement, consistency, fairness and line ownership of HR issues (in line with corporate policy)
  • Designing and embedding MI reports and processes across the full range of people and post data
  • Operational workforce planning throughout the whole cycle, including recruitment

Desired Skills & Experience

  • Understanding of relevant areas of employment law (employment contracts, work-life balance, maternity, discrimination, dismissal, redundancy)
  • Analytical / problem solving skills
  • Effective interpersonal, communication and relationship building skills, particularly influencing senior leaders
  • Project Management (L2)
  • Marketing and Customer Services (L2)
  • Project design and evaluation
  • Project implementation
  • HR policy / standards
  • Exposure to HR in a matrix / complex organisational structure

Company Description

The British Council creates international opportunities for the people of the UK and other countries and builds trust between them worldwide. We are on the ground in six continents and more than 100 countries. For more information, please visit http://www.britishcouncil.org

Area Manager Jark Recruitment - Luton, United Kingdom

Job Description

Area Manager
Reports to Director of Operations
Salary: up to £35K
This role is based in Luton
Key Responsibilities
Staff Management
v      Line managing all 4 Home Managers in Luton
v      Supervising 2 Handy Men and the Activities Coordinator
v      Carrying out monthly one-to-one supervision sessions and yearly appraisals with the Managers
v      Organising monthly managers’ meetings and keeping records of these
v      Developing a training matrix for staff across all homes to ensure that training is coordinated in the most efficient way possible 
v      Supporting Home Managers in staff disciplinary matters
v      Recruiting, shortlisting, interviewing and appointing where necessary   
v      Maintaining the Sponsor Management System and ensuring that Managers are keeping the correct information and completing the appropriate checks for their Migrant Workers
v      Liaising between Home Managers and Head Office to order equipment and supplies 
v      Reviewing Care Plans, Health and Safety, Medication, MAR Sheets and Quality Assurance
v      Signing off on action plans developed by home Managers
v      Reviewing policies and procedures annually in respect of changes in legislation
v      Keeping up to date records of Audits and action plans submitted by Home Managers
Quality Assurance
v      Providing an annual Quality Assurance report for all homes
v      Dealing with complaints from staff and service users
v      Undertaking monthly Quality Assurance Audits to ensure an continually improving service is provided 
v      Liaising with Local Officials and CQC
v      Maintaining confidentiality regarding all aspects of care and management in the Homes
v      Improving systems and procedures across all homes
v      Assisting Managers with implementing new Policies and Procedures in their homes
v      Improving Occupancy across all homes
v      Other duties requested by the Director or Finance or the Director
Training and Development
v      Participating in a full induction at each home before starting work
v      Developing a detailed knowledge of the Policies and Procedures of the Homes
v      Attending training sessions when required (Health and Safety, Medication, SOVA, Fire Safety etc.)
v      Identifying your own training needs 
v      Attending monthly meetings with the Director, Director of Finance and Accountancy and Marketing and Operations Coordinator
Please note that these responsibilities are subject to change

Desired Skills & Experience

Personal Specification: 
v      Registered Managers Award or equivalent
v      NVQ Level 5 in Management
v      At least 3 years’ experience in home management  
v      Working knowledge of CQC requirements and the Health and Social Care Act 2008
v      Outstanding communication and interpersonal skills
v      Proficient IT skills
v      Strong management and problem solving abilities
v      High attention to detail    
v      Full knowledge of Health & Safety requirements, including Environmental Health
v      Full knowledge of SOVA, DoLs and the Mental Capacity Act
v      Experience of working in Dementia care
v      Degree qualified
v      UK Driving License

Regulatory Compliance Training Manager Industrial Technology Systems Ltd (ITS Ltd) - Flexible UK

Regulatory Compliance Training Manager

Industrial Technology Systems Ltd (ITS Ltd) - Flexible UK Location - Reading, United Kingdom

Job Description

ITS is looking for a Training Manager to drive the development of its regulatory training business, which delivers a range of open and onsite training courses throughout the UK and overseas.
Ideal candidates will have a training background, experience in the pharmaceutical or medical device industries, and a good working knowledge of GAMP®, GMP, validation, SOP writing, CAPA, risk management, and 21 CFR Part 11. A “can do” positive attitude is required with the desire to extend your skill set, take on board new challenges and help the company grow its reputation and customer base.
The work will be varied and every training project will be a new and exciting opportunity to use and develop different skills.
You will be responsible for delivering ITS’ wide range of compliance training courses and sharing your knowledge and industry best practices, to improve the understanding and performance of delegates in pharmaceutical and medical device industries.
You will be working with a number of customers including AstraZeneca, DDD Ltd, Depuy, Huntleigh, GlaxoSmithKline, Smiths Medical and Synergy Health. All of them require high quality training courses and a first class service.
Flexible location in the UK.
Staff Development
Our staff development ethos encourages team members to think laterally which results in better solutions for our customers.
We recognise that to be able to retain the best employees with up-to-the-minute skills, we need to invest in their development. We marry on-the-job experience with formal training and have an open management style – senior personnel are always available to discuss ideas.
Over 60% of our workforce has been with ITS for more than eight years which we believe demonstrates our commitment to good staff relations.
You will be responsible for updating the design and delivery of a range of existing regulatory compliance training courses, both open and onsite for groups of 1-12 delegates throughout the UK, Ireland and overseas. The majority of ITS’ open courses are delivered in high quality DeVere venues throughout the UK.
You will be responsible for maintaining an up-to-date understanding of the legislation and guidelines governing the industry, and sharing your expertise with ITS’ regulatory compliance training group members on LinkedIn. You will also be required to promote ITS’ range of complementary automation systems and validation services, during the courses.
Whilst most of ITS’ training enquiries are generated from the company’s marketing activities and website, you will also be responsible carrying out sales activities including calling prospects, issuing quotations, following up leads, and converting opportunities into business.
ITS has an excellent reputation in the delivery of regulatory compliance training and you will be responsible for ensuring that this is maintained though the delivery of consistent high quality training events and value adding services. You will be responsible for developing good customer relationships in a highly professional manner.
You will be part of a company that is committed to building long term relationships with customers, and responsible for maintaining support to the many clients we have worked with since the company was formed in 1991. ITS’ team strives to understand our clients’ needs and work closely with them to provide solutions that meet expectations and deliver. We strongly believe in getting to know our clients and their teams, and what their needs are so that we can form solid partnerships that deliver a win-win situation for both the customer and ITS.
The salary is competitive.
All interviews will be held in the UK.
Working in UK
Entitlement to work in the UK is a necessity.
To Apply
To apply, please send a copy of your CV to vacancies@its-ltd.co.uk and include Training Manager in the email subject field.
About ITS
Established in 1991, Industrial Technology Systems Ltd (ITS) is a friendly and supportive company that strives to be one of the best companies to work for. ITS is a place where everybody has the opportunity to make a significant difference.
ITS is an equal opportunities employer, committed to eliminating discrimination and encouraging diversity amongst its workforce, so we welcome applications from anyone and appoint staff purely on the basis of individual merit.

Desired Skills & Experience

A good understanding of either the pharmaceutical or medical device industry is essential. You must also have experience in carrying out validation activities, meeting GxP guidelines, SOP writing, performing risk management, and meeting the FDA’s rule, 21 CFR Part 11. You must be confident in applying your training skills to design and deliver new training courses, and tailor ITS’ current training courses to meet each customer’s requirements.
Applicants must be able to communicate effectively both formally and informally, orally and in written English.

Company Description

ITS is an award-winning industrial automation systems integrator with extensive experience in the Automotive, Chemical, Energy Food and Beverage, Medical Device, Nuclear, Packaging, Petrochemical and Pharmaceutical industries.

Our customers include AMEC, AstraZeneca, Becton Dickinson, Gatwick Airport Ltd, INEOS, KemFine, Scottish & Southern Energy, Sellafield and The Cheese Company.

ITS specialises in the design and implementation of the following systems and complementary services: Management Information Systems, Process Control Systems, Project Management & Engineering Services, Machine Vision Systems and Regulatory Compliance Training.

We have approved systems integrator status with a number of leading suppliers including AspenTech, Citect, Cognex, Eurotherm, Honeywell, ICONICS, Matrikon, Microsoft, Mitsubishi, Rockwell, Schneider, Siemens, Werum Software & Systems and Wonderware. As a result of these alliances, we have full support from our suppliers; similarly, they often approach us to make use of our engineering skills in co-operative partnerships.

SAP Project Manager Infosys - Moscow

Job Description

SAP Project Manager / Incident Manager
We are looking for an SAP Project Manager / Incident Manager to work on a project of our Retail client, a well-known global organisation.

Desired Skills & Experience

  • Good experience in managing a small team (upto 10 members)
  • Good understanding of  the ITIL processes
  • Fair knowledge on at least one SAP modules
  • Prior experience in running SAP support project
  • Excellent customer management skills 
  • Very good presentation & communication skills
  • English and Russian Language skills 
  • Prior work experience with offshore team is preferable
What we offer:
  • Work for an global consulting organisation and for a well-known client
  • Being a part of a vibrant and stimulating professional environment
  • Clear growth path
  • Good remunetaion and package
Please apply directly to: agnieszka_biegluk@infosys.com

Company Description

Infosys is a leading provider of next-generation consulting, technology and outsourcing solutions. We are dedicated to helping organizations, in over 30 countries, build tomorrow’s enterprise and advance the way the world works. That's why Forbes ranks us 19th among the top 100 most innovative companies. Our 150,000+ employees partner with clients to transform their business - one conversation; one idea; one insight at a time.  While we are at it, some things remain unchanged: the unwavering ethics, transparency and respect behind everything we do. We will always be a company powered by intellect and driven by values. So, if your passion is to build solutions that really make a difference to enterprises, the community and your world, Infosys is the right place for you. 
For more information, visit www.infosys.com.

Graduate Industrial Hygiene Adviser BP International - Tbilisi (Russian Federation)

Job Description

The role of an Industrial Hygiene Adviser is to provide guidance to Operations staff, HSE Managers and the H&S Advisers regarding industrial hygiene issues and conduct workplace exposure assessments. The assessments will be utilized to evaluate and recommend controls for health & safety exposure risks.
Industrial Hygiene Adviser will work in BP Georgia Health team reporting to Health Adviser in Georgia with functional reporting to IH team in Azerbaijan.
Mobility to travel to remote work sites and infrequent travel to Azerbaijan is a requirement for this role.

Key accountabilities
• Industrial Hygiene support to Georgia Export Pipelines;
• Provide technical expertise and functional guidance to Team Leaders, Health & Safety (H&S) and Environmental advisers, project managers and Region management on emerging H&S regulations, BP requirements and expectations on occupational hygiene issues and its potential impact on the business;
• Conduct site assessments for compliance with applicable local regulations and BP requirements;
• Provide direction in the planning and execution of workplace exposure assessments to evaluate health and safety exposure risks; work with Operations in recommending practical controls with corrective action options;
• Conduct risk assessments and provide IH support to sites at various stages of projects and in modification of facilities;
• Manage the input of IH sampling data into BP’s computer database and compile, interpret and report IH data and track IH recommendations to closure;
• Train H&S personnel (employees and contractors) on IH monitoring techniques, exposure controls, and assist in H&S staff development;
• Update and publish health plans in HealthMap and provide input to the entity Hazard risk register;
• Review and update Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for web system;
• Participate in the Area HSE meetings, provide IH input and interact with the AGT Region IH and health professionals.

Essential Education
University degree in Medicine; Pharmacy; Public Health (Sanitary Hygiene); Stomatology; Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation; Biology and/or Chemistry

Essential experience and job requirements
Graduate from university between 2011-2013
Georgian Citizenship

Other essential skills and knowledge
Fluent English and Georgian Language Skills
Strong computer skills (Word; Excel; Power Point; Outlook)

Desirable criteria & qualifications
Industrial Hygiene or Occupational Health certification and/or trainings
Russian language skills

Relocation available

Travel required
Yes - up to 50%

Is this a part time position?

About BP
Our business is the exploration, production, refining, trading and distribution of energy. This is what we do, and we do it on a truly global scale. With a workforce of 80,000 employees, BP operates with business activities and customers in more than 80 countries across six continents. Every day, we serve millions of customers around the world. We are continually looking for talented, committed and ambitious people to help us shape the face of energy for the future.

BP's Upstream segment focuses on finding reserves of oil and gas, developing the means to extract and process it and then consistently producing and transporting it to market. This involves using cutting edge technology to find the energy reserves, the ability to drill thousands of meters under the ground, designing, building and operating some of the world's largest most complex production onshore and offshore facilities and finally being able to transport these fluids, in order to provide energy to the world.

Our global business is constantly changing and we seek outstanding HSE professionals to help us shape our future.

Company Description

BP is constantly exploring new oil and natural gas fields. This means a continuous flow of new challenges for people in our Upstream business around the world.

Join our Upstream business and you'll be part of a team that finds, develops, recovers and transports oil and natural gas around the world. We operate in 22 countries and, taking into account our in-house team, contractors and joint ventures, Upstream employs about 100,000 people. Our major interests are in the USA, UK, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey (AGT), Angola, North Africa, Norway, Abu Dhabi, Oman, Jordan, Iraq, India, China, Australia, Indonesia, Brazil, Trinidad & Tobago, Russia and Canada.

We're continually developing new technologies to locate and access new resources. Using industry-leading seismic imaging we recover heavy oil and gas from unconventional rocks and maximise resources from existing and deepwater oil fields. Producing safe, reliable and efficient well operations is always our priority, and by integrating real-time data to our operations, we can manage risk from sand-prone reservoirs and reduce integrity risk.

In 2011, we had a record year for new access, gaining 55 exploration licences in nine countries, which opened up around 322,000 km2 of new fields. Despite major
developments like Mad Dog in the Gulf of Mexico, Clair Ridge in the UK, Tangguh in Indonesia and Rumaila in Iraq, we plan to more than double our exploration expenditure over the next few years. This means even more opportunity for upstream specialists - from engineers and geologists to operations, planning and logistics professionals.